World-class education
The Riksäpplet centre for education is the hub of the Haninge Campus area and includes the Haninge campus of KTH (the Royal Institute of Technology), several post-secondary vocational education and training courses (KY) and adult education.

A hub for quality education, the Haninge Campus area called Riksäpplet is located very close to the Haninge Centrum shopping centre and Handen commuter train station. About 2,000 people study here, about 1,100 of whom at KTH where they are studying for a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (structural engineering or computer technology). The campus includes a light laboratory, an architecture and design programme and the multidisciplinary science research centre, Centrum för Hälsa och Byggande. In addition to the KTH programmes, the Riksäpplet education centre offers several adult education programmes as well as various post-upper secondary school courses and vocational training. The "KY" programmes of post-secondary vocational education and training are in the fields of tourism, retail and health care administration. The hotel and restaurant upper secondary school programme is also taught at Riksäpplet, which offers cafeteria meals and à la carte.
Sport Campus Sweden – combining sport with higher education
Linked to the university, a brand new education option is now available for students who wish to combine higher education with sport. Back in 2003, Haninge and Södertörn University, KTH (the Royal Institute of Technology) and Karolinska Institutet took the initiative in forming Sport Campus Sweden – which has now become an inspiration in its field. Besides the programme in Haninge, courses are also being organised at other university colleges in municipalities all over Greater Stockholm. A number of specialist sports associations, sports physicians, coaches and sponsors as well as the university colleges are involved in Sport Campus Sweden. Quite a number of the students are active at elite level in their disciplines – several at national team level. With its Sport Campus Sweden, Haninge has the vision of becoming "One of Europe's leading players in elite sports and study courses" by 2012.
Haninge – not just for higher education
- As early on as at compulsory school level, pupils have several themed branches of study. In the municipality's extra music classes, for 12–16-year-olds, pupils focus on the world of music for a few hours a week and can choose between singing and orchestra classes.
- Haninge has one of the Stockholm area's largest and most modern upper secondary schools: Fredrika Bremergymnasiet, which offers several exciting specialisations in languages, natural sciences, media and the humanities.
- The municipality's independent upper secondary schools include Walthers Gymnasium with its focus on sports and IT.
Haninge also has a vocational upper secondary school specialising in electrical engineering, automotive programmes and construction – as well as the agricultural college Berga Lantbruksskolor.
Senast uppdaterad: 21 september 2015